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Benefits of Hot Foiling

By February 9, 2022News

Hot foiling is something we’ve all appreciated the results of, whether that’s a business card with a golden shimmer that caught the eye or luxurious packaging that made a big impression. However, when it comes to using hot foiling, many people feel that the process is either too expensive or too complicated to be accessible. In fact, the reality is that hot foiling is very straightforward and a lot more cost effective than you might think. These are some of the benefits of hot foiling that any business can enjoy.

  • It will take printed products to a new level. When it comes to aesthetics, there are few things that lift the appearance of a printed product like the application of metallic foil.
  • You can use hot foiling to establish credibility and build trust with customers. This is especially so when it comes to something like proving the originality of products. Hot foiling is often used by brands to show the authenticity of a product and to establish a certain level of quality. This helps to build trust with customers and provide the assurances that they might need to make a purchase, and start building an ongoing relationship with your brand.
  • It’s easy to find an option that works for you in terms of cost. There are solutions available for every budget. Just because the finished product looks expensive and glamorous, doesn’t mean that it generated a prohibitively high cost.
  • Use hot foiling to boost your sales. Hot foiling creates products and packaging that are much more likely to engage customers. For example, it’s very tactile and so consumers will want to touch it and engage with it much more than other products that don’t have this attribute. Products leap off the shelves and attract attention so that customers are instantly focussed on your items.
  • It’s memorable and distinctive and will ensure you stand out from the competition. First impressions count in a crowded marketplace and the use of hot foiling ensures that you can always set your printed products apart from the competition.
  • If premium positioning is important to your brand then hot foiling can help you to achieve this. Being able to position your products in a premium market means that you’re also able to charge premium prices. The perception of added value that is created by the use of hot foiling will not only ensure that your brand is able to compete against others using similar techniques but also that it is viewed as a premium product in the eyes of the consumer.
  • Hot foiling is simple to achieve and to customise. Whatever you’re hoping to use hot foiling for, the process is not complicated and there is plenty of support available to ensure that you get the finish and design that works for you.

These are just some of the benefits of using hot foiling in your business. From increasing the engagement with consumers, to establishing premium branding, credibility and trust, it has a lot to offer.

If you’re keen to enhance your stationery, hot foiling is by far one of the best ways to achieve this. We have a small range of hot stamping foils available for graphics, plastics and leather. We like to keep this stock current with the latest trends but always have the main staples of Gold and Silver in gloss and matt.