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By February 25, 2021April 19th, 2023News


Firstly, let me introduce myself, I am Rhys. I was due to get married last year and like many couples this is rearranged for this year but least the extra year has given me more time to fit my suit!

My journey with Metallic Elephant started in September 2019 and I am normally the first person you will “meet” when you first contact Metallic Elephant. My background is in hospitality, I have no prior experience in the hot foil industry, so I have and continue to be on a learning journey – which I hope to share with you all!

I think we can all agree that we are glad to see the back of 2020 but with some positive dates on the horizon now for 2021 hopefully we can all start to plan ahead with confidence. Even though 2020 was a bit of a write off, we were happy to be able to keep our doors safely open and keep a steady flow of orders going out.

Like a lot of customers we have spoken to, lockdown gave us a chance to review processes and take the opportunity to make improvements. We have improved the flow of work around the factory. Having grown quite fast, additions to the factory were made where there was space! but lockdown gave us the perfect chance to plan and move our workspace for the better.

With more space we could welcome new toys! We have added a guillotine, cnc, automatic saw and a paint mixing booth. I will show these at work in later posts.

Our machine shop is now in a new area allowing us to have a new spacious workshop for safe working. We also have created a staff chill out zone complete with snooker table – but we all make sure director Karl wins – we want to keep our jobs safe!