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Hot foiling your Stationery: Make your brand unique

By January 12, 2022January 17th, 2022News

Making your brand stand out today is a real challenge. Alongside the vision and values you develop for your business it’s also vital to have distinctive aesthetics that will set you apart from competitors and draw consumers to your brand. It’s here where the small details really matter and where something like hot foiling your stationery can be part of a broader plan to make your brand unique.

Hot foil printing

This is a centuries-old printing method that has been used over the years to denote distinctiveness and quality. In its earliest forms it added decoration and value to everything, from parchment to book covers. The process of hot foil stamping is much simpler today but the association that it still has with wealth and grandeur remains. As a result, it’s become an incredibly popular choice for stationery, providing the opportunity to create unique designs that will give your brand a boost and channel a stunning aesthetic that can be used to communicate what your brand is about.

Luxury, beauty, quality

Everyone, from Egyptian queens to Medieval monks has been attracted to the shimmer of hot foil printing over the years, as it has the ability to convey so much about luxury, beauty and quality. A metallic finish on stationery, as well as packaging, business cards and invitations can be an indicator of a high quality brand. It’s also a pleasure to look at and the enjoyable experience of interacting with hot foiled stationery is one of the reasons why it has become such a popular choice.

Hot foiling your stationery today

The process of hot foiling used to be a slow and painstaking one. Although the finished result still has that association with fine craftsmanship and extra effort, today hot foiling your stationery is actually much simpler and faster than many people realise. A bespoke metal plate is engraved with the chosen design for the stationery and this is then lined up against the foil, which sits against the stationery paper. When heat and pressure are applied, the design on the plate is transferred onto the stationery in the chosen foil and the process is complete. The process of hot foiling stationery creates a beautiful finish, one that shimmers with a distinctive shine and has a deep text imprint in a high quality texture.

The potential for creativity

If hot foiling stationery appeals, there are also lots of opportunities for using this process to engage your creativity. Many different types of stationery paper and card can be foiled, from matte paper to holographic card or even clear acrylic. The foils also come in a range of different metallic colours, from silver to bronze and shimmering gold. The bespoke nature of the plates means that your hot foiled stationery is completely unique and there won’t be another brand out there using the same design.

If you are keen to reinforce the uniqueness of your business through effective branding, hot foiling stationery is a beautiful way to do this.

If you’re keen to enhance your stationery, hot foiling is by far one of the best ways to achieve this. We have a small range of hot stamping foils available for graphics, plastics and leather. We like to keep this stock current with the latest trends but always have the main staples of Gold and Silver in gloss and matt.