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The Past, Present & Future of Hot Foil Printing

By October 5, 2022October 20th, 2022News

Hot foil printing has a long and rich history that goes a lot further back than many people realise. For example, did you know that the Ancient Egyptians used it? We often see hot foil printing used today to denote luxury and opulence, to help establish credibility or simply to make packaging or designs stand out from the crowd. This technique has always been employed in that way and has even been a fashion accessory for mummies.

The Past of Hot Foil Printing

Yes that’s right, the tombs of mummified Ancient Egyptians often received the hot foil printing treatment. Of course, it wasn’t the hot foiling that we know and love today but a different process that involved hammering pieces of gold into very thin strips and then using these to embellish coffins and tombs. Around a thousand years after the Egyptians made hot foil printing so fashionable, it was also being used widely in Europe, on book covers and printed materials where there was a need to create a sense of quality or make a piece of art or text really stand out. In many ways, the motivation for using hot foil printing is still the same today – beauty and distinctiveness – however, the tools and techniques available are much more advanced.

The Present of Hot Foil Printing

Today, hot foil printing is available to anyone thanks to companies like Metallic Elephant that design and create effective, user friendly machines. From global brands to small businesses, hot foil printing is accessible and simple to use – and it’s a great budget friendly option too. Now, there’s no need to spend hours hammering strips of gold like the Ancient Egyptians, or spending a fortune on gold leaf like Europeans in days gone by. Instead, the simple use of metallic foil with heat and pressure applied means that you can create just about anything, quickly and cost effectively. Greetings cards, business cards, invitations, packaging, everything is possible in the present of hot foil printing thanks to the way that the technology has evolved.

The Future of Hot Foil Printing

None of us can predict the future but we know that hot foil printing is going to remain a key tool when it comes to distinctive design. There has been such an evolution in the way that we use hot foil printing in recent years, making it more effective and accessible so that anyone can do it – and the technology is only likely to continue to improve. Smaller machines, more user-friendly approaches and a greater range of foil and design options are just some of the ways in which hot foil printing is going to continue to expand and grow.

At Metallic Elephant we are very much a part of the past and present of hot foil printing – and committed to helping ensure that the future is bright. Our innovative machines make this effective technology available to anyone and ensure that you can always do more with your designs.