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How environmentally friendly is foil blocking?

By September 29, 2021October 25th, 2021News

Sustainable business processes are a key priority for self-aware businesses today, especially those that are keen to meet corporate social responsibility standards. This includes reviewing the materials used in product creation and identifying where more sustainable alternatives could be found and how production processes could be made more environmentally friendly. Foil blocking provides a striking finish and aesthetic for a range of products and, contrary to what many people think, can be a very environmentally friendly process.

Why use foil blocking?

If environmental considerations are high up your priority list then you can stay consistent to your values with foil blocking. It’s also a method of decoration that can create some very distinctive results and the kind of attention-grabbing design that helps to support positive and unique brand perception. A more sustainable approach to business is a priority that is currently being driven by many different sources, from government and regulation to consumer pressure. Processes such as foil blocking offer a way to achieve the aesthetics that you want without any compromise on sustainability goals.

Environmentally friendly foil blocking

The key thing to note about foil blocking is that the main material used – the foil – is completely recyclable. So, any type of foil blocking that you use is going to be environmentally friendly. There are a number of different ways to foil and each one creates a different finish but, whatever you opt for, any waste, as well as the end product, will be fully recyclable.

Foil blocking is a sustainable finish

What’s impressive about foil blocking is that it offers a way to achieve that distinctive metallic finish that is also environmentally sound. Just make sure the company that you choose to work with recycles all its foil waste (various certifications can indicate this, such as Zero Foil 2 Landfill by the British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF) and Prismm Environmental).

Foil blocking is very environmentally friendly thanks to the recyclable nature of the materials involved and the different options when it comes to energy consumption during production.