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Why Is Hot Foiling So Good

By August 24, 2022September 15th, 2022News

Hot foiling is a very popular choice today. Whether you’re keen to create distinctive labels and packaging, or you’re looking for a way to make business cards or marketing materials stand out, it’s a simple technique that achieves a big impact. Investing in hot foiling can make a big difference to what you manage to achieve with an investment in something like labelling. These are just some of the reasons why hot foiling is so good.

A Hot Foiled Finish Attracts Attention

When you use hot foiling on something like packaging it tends to create a very high visibility finish and this can be incredibly valuable. The more visible and appealing an aesthetic is, the more likely it is to attract attention. Plenty of consumer research has been done that shows how important it is to be able to attract the attention of customers, for example to a product on the shelf. The more attention that product attracts, the more customers are likely to pick it up and examine it in more detail. The more that happens, the higher the chances of sales.

Quality, Credibility And Value

Another way in which hot foiling is so good, especially for brands, is that it can be used to cement perceptions of quality, credibility and high value. Most consumers already associate hot foiling with high quality – you don’t have to look far in the food and beverage industry, for example, to see how hot foiling is already used by many big brands to illustrate better quality. This is one way to make products stand out – and to ensure that customers are more likely to reach for one item over another. We naturally associate these metallics with luxury and quality, which is why they are such an effective tool in terms of communicating high value.

There Are Lots of Options To Choose From

When you’re working with hot foiling there are many opportunities to create a finished design that is completely unique. For example, hot foil printing provides a range of different colour options, from traditional gold and silver through to metallic green and red. It’s very easy to create a design that is not just distinctive but also conveys your business branding too. There are also lots of different foil effects that you can use in your designs, from snakeskin and leather through to matte, pearl and wood.

Customise Hot Foil Printing to Suit Your Individual Needs

This is one of the main reasons why working with hot foil printing is so good – because it provides an effective way to customise what you create. There are endless opportunities for exploring your creativity and for bringing to life your individual designs with hot foil printing. Many people assume it’s a process that is hard to customise but that’s actually not the case – you can tailor it to a very specific design brief to make it work for you.

These are just a few of the reasons why hot foiling is so good – and why you should try it for yourself.